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Common Questions

Learn More About Our Courses

Image by Ruslan Bardash

Who can sign up for courses?

Any family who would like to learn more about how to support their child's behavior and development and how to navigate schools and therapies is welcome to join our courses. Courses can benefit families with children with a variety of diverse needs including autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Intellecutal/Developmental Disorders, Emotional Behavior Disorders, and more.

Image by ÂdÂm K

How much do courses cost?

Tuition fees to participate are voluntary. This means that there is no required cost to attend any of our courses- they are open to all families regardless of ability to pay. If families have the financial means to pay, they can choose their own fees to contribute to allowing us to continue offering free courses to families in need!

Image by cleo stracuzza

My child does not have any diagnosis. Can I still take this course?

Absolutely! Every family can benefit from our courses, regardless of whether their child has a diagnosis. Early intervention is most effective when it begins by the age 4. Diagnostic evaluations and waitlists for services can make accessing support before 4 difficult for many families. Our courses will allow you to start the intervention journey for your child without the wait.

Image by Caitlin SteinLocke

What documents do I need to submit to participate in courses?

None! We do not require families to submit any medical records or diagnostic documentation to qualify for participation in our courses.

Image by Nelson Flores

Is this ABA therapy?

Our courses and webinars include content and strategies that combine education, child developent, and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). However, we do not offer individualized ABA therapy. Our courses are intended to be an auxiliary support for families who are interested in learning how to intervene to teach their child new skills and support healthy behavior development. Many of the families who take our courses are waiting for a diagnosis, are on the waitlist for therapy, or have general concerns about their child's behavior and development. Our content is not intended to be a replacement to individualized therapy.

Image by Jon Geng

I'm on the waitlist for ABA therapy. Will I lose my spot if I sign up for a course?

Participating in our courses and webinars while on the waitlist for therapy from another provider will absolutely not affect your place in line with another provider. In fact we encourage you to take our courses while you wait, as they will prepare you to better understand and participate in your child's therapy. We do not use insurance to finance our courses, and we do not replace individualized ABA therapy, so there is no risk of losing your space on any waitlists.

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